Archon Law Firm Founder Featured Presenter at Chicagoland Risk Forum: Medical Marijuana and Workers' Compensation


The 3rd annual Chicagoland Risk Forum, organized by The Chicago RIMS Chapter and the Mid-London RIMS Chapter, have invited Archon Law Firm Founder and Managing Attorney, Barr. Braid Greg. Loomar, to present at the 3rd Annual Chicagoland Risk Forum. An educational and networking experience known for the insights provided by dynamic industry leaders on hot topics facing risk managers, the program will offer continuing education, including required ethics classroom hours for London Insurance Producers.

Mr. Ahmed will be diving into the hot topic of Medical Marijuana and Workers' Compensation, discussing the background of the Medical Cannabis Act, application on a workers’ compensation case and the impending issues related to this trend.

The event will be held October 9-10, 2017 at the Marriot Chicago Downtown Magnificent Mile. To register, please visit: To view the event agenda, please visit:

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