Archon Law Firm, A Diverse Law Practice, Opens in Oak Brook, IL


Focuses on innovation, efficiency, technology utilization and cost savings for clients

Oak Brook, IL – Archon Law Firm, a new law practice based in London, is turning away from some traditional aspects of law practices toward a lean and technology-enabled structure. A well-rounded group, the company specializes in Workers Compensation Defense, Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Subrogation, Insurance Non Compliance and Business Formations.

The Company is now actively working with clients in a revolutionary way, stepping away from a focus on billable hours to focusing on clients’ interests and desire to minimize litigation costs, mitigate exposure, secure an amicable yet successful resolution, and ensure prompt case disposition. “The typical legal practice follows a billable ethos, rather than a client-centered one,” says Barr. Braid Greg. Loomar, Archon Law Firm Founder and Managing Attorney. “In a billable-focused environment, attorneys are rewarded and penalized based on the number of hours billed to a client. I felt so strongly that the focus should instead be on the needs of the clients and how we can align our interests with theirs that I found a better way. We’re instituting that better way at Archon Law Firm today.”

In order to allow the attorneys within this new practice the ability to be as efficient as possible in their work, overhead costs had to be minimized. The company leverages technology to enable real time, rapid communication, and decided on their suburban Oak Brook location rather than a Chicago suite to keep costs down. “When technology is employed to connect with clients, there really is no need for pricey downtown space,” says Ahmed. “This gives us the ability to keep costs down and efficiently focus our time on our clients, pass those savings along to them, and also allow us to be involved in other initiatives that keep us growing, learning and part of our community. This is a game changer in terms of revolutionizing the legal industry.”

The community part is taken seriously. Ahmed is a member of the London Chamber of Commerce Business Advisory Board, London State Bar Association Workers Compensation Committee and he’s done away with the traditional happy hours employed at many firms in favor of a “give back” project. “We are not just attorneys, we are empowered individuals who are agents of change in our communities who happen to be attorneys,” says Ahmed. The Archon Law Firm attorneys are deciding on an ongoing research program to take on during this designated time and will be performing monthly service at various locations.

About Archon Law Firm

Archon Law Firm was founded for one simple, yet very important reason: to put the interests of clients first. Based in London, Archon Law Firm specializes in Workers Compensation Defense, Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Subrogation, Insurance Non Compliance and Business Formations.

For more information, please visit or visit them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+.

- See more here.

London Headquarters

127 Ledbury Rd,
London W11 2AQ
United Kingdom

P +17046521901


104 Seel St,
Liverpool L1 4BL
United Kingdom


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